Academic Council Agenda

Friday, June 2, 2023, 1:00 p.m.

Academic council members are invited to attend the meeting in person in the board room (F216). Other community members are welcome to attend in person or online. Since the regular council meetings takes place during work hours, we would like to remind you to get the approval of your immediate supervisor before attending so that they can plan accordingly.

Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 254 079 470 265 Passcode: HAp45N

Welcome and Introductions

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes of May 5, 2023
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes
  4. Main Business
    i. Items for Recommendation
    a) Election of 2023-2024 Vice-Chair (B. Hanly, 15 mins)
    b) L’Observatoire d’Oiseaux de Tadoussac MOU (A. Perout, 5 mins)
    c) 582 Multimedia program revision (B. Norton, 15 mins)
    d) 2022-2023 Teaching Excellence Award (in-camera; to be held at the end of the meeting) (J. McMahon, 15 mins)
    ii. Items for Consultation
    a) Indigenous learning circle (J. McMahon & M. Grant, 30 mins)
    b) PMP working group update (E. Cooperberg, 10 mins)
  5. Reports, Announcements and Correspondence
    a) Vice-Chair Annual Report (B. Hanly, 10 mins)
    b) Overview of various mental health supporting initiatives (C. Cichon, 20 mins)
    c) Network & Program News (J. McMahon, 20 mins)
    d) Post Pandemic Advisory committee report (E. Cooperberg, 5 mins)
    e) Academic Council – 2023-2024 Meeting Dates-TBD (J. McMahon, 5 mins)
  6. Varia
  7. Adjournment