
We use many acronyms in the union lingo, and you often see them as well in documents we share. We get so used to these that we forget to explain them whenever they come up. So here is a list for reference. We will grow this list as it comes — read: bookmark this page.

We included pronunciation tips (home made, not great, meant to help, don’t hold these against us) to give you a sense of what the acronyms might sound like when spoken.

Labour Unions, Federations, and Nego Bodies

APTS (ah-pay-tay-ess)
Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux
Another labor union member of the Front Commun.

ASPPC (ah-ess-pay-pay-say)
Alliance des syndicats des professeures et professeurs de cégep
An alliance of all public college teachers including members of FNEEQ-CSN and FEC-CSQ for the negotiations. We are members of ASPPC.

AVCP (ay-vee-cee-pee)
Association of Vanier College Professionals
The Vanier professionals union.

CCMM (say-say-em-em)
Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain
The local militant group within CSN for the Montréal region. They help coordinate mobilisation actions. We are members of CCMM.

CCSPP (say-deu-ess-pay-deu)
Comité de coordination des secteurs public et parapublic
The public sector union negotiation body within the CSN. They negotiate for us at the central table level.

CPNC (say-pay-enn-say)
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges
The sectoral level negotiation body of the employer. Interacts with ASPPC’s negotiation committee. It is the CPNC who signs our Collective Agreement for the employer.

CSN (say-ess-enn)
Confédération des syndicats nationaux
A trade union central. We are a member of CSN.

CSQ (say-ess-cue)
Centrale des syndicats du Québec
A trade union central member of the Front commun with CSN.

FEC (fek)
Fédération de l’enseignement collégial
College teachers union federation affiliated with CSQ.

FNEEQ (f’nek, fennek)
Fédération nationale des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec
Union federation within the CSN. We are members of FNEEQ.

FTQ (eff-tay-cue)
Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec
A trade union central member of the Front commun with CSN.

VCSA (vee-cee-ess-ay)
Vanier College Student Association
The Vanier student union.

VCSPA (vee-cee-ess-pee-ay)
Vanier College Support Personnel Association
Vanier support staff union.

Collective Agreement Related Acronyms

CRT (sea-ar-tee)
Comité des relations du travail
Parity committee between the College and the VCTA on working relations.

EESH (eesh)
Étudiantes et étudiants en situation de handicap
Refers to student who require special needs and accommodations. (Annexe I-14)

ETC (eu-tay-say) — In English, we say FTE: Full time equivalent
Équivalent temps complet
The value of workload to be considered full time.

GOS (gee-oh-ess)
General offer of service
Document signifying to the College a teacher’s desire to exercise their priority on any available workload in their discipline for the coming year. (5-1.11) The form is available through HRS, it is submitted in April.

LTD (el-tee-dee)
Long term disability.
A collective agreement benefit. 

PD (pee-dee)
Professional development
One of the benefits offered by our Collective Agreement. (7-1.00++)

PVRTT (pee-vee-arr-tee-tee)
Programme volontaire de réduction du temps de travail
Workload reduction program. (5-14.00)

RAE (err-ah-eu)
Régime d’assurance-emploi
Employment insurance.


AREF (ah-ref)
Association des retraitées et retraités de l’enseignement de la FNEEQ
Group defending the rights of retired college teachers from FNEEQ affiliated unions.

CEEC (say-eu-eu-say)
Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial
An employer body dealing with quality assurance mechanisms within the college sector.

CEGEP (say-jep) — also appears as a noun: cégep
Collège d’enseignement général et professionel
This is the type of institution where we work. 🙂

CNESST (say-enn-eu-ess-ess-tay)
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
Governmental body responsible for the working conditions of all Québec workers.

Fédé (fay-day)
Fédération des cégeps
The employer’s association of college administrations. Not really an acronym, but we call it the Fédé. (Not to be confused with our union federation which is called FNEEQ.)

LNT (el-enn-tay) — Often simply Normes du travail
Loi sur les normes du travail
Québec law concerning working conditions. Applies to all workers, and supersedes our Collective Agreement.

MES (em-eu-ess)
Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur
Ministry of higher education.

RREGOP (reggop)
Régime de retraite des employées ou employés du gouvernement et des organismes publics
Manages the pensions of Québec public workers.

RRQ (er-er-cue)
Régime des rentes du Québec
Government body dealing with pensions for all Québec workers.