The VCTA Executive

2023-2024 VCTA Executive
Hugo Leonardo Casanova, President, Estelle Lamothe, Secretary-Treasurer,  Hakim Loudyi, Vice-President External and Sandi Mak, Vice-President Internal.

The VCTA Executive is composed of four members: the President, the Vice-President External, the Vice-President Internal and a Secretary-Treasurer, elected each year in April. The Executive runs the day-to-day business of the union, dealing with Professional Development, grievances and arbitrations, checking contracts, allocation and all internal matters with the various groups in the College. The Executive also attends meetings and keeps in contact with our union central, the CSN (Confederation des syndicats nationaux)  and our teachers’ federation,  Fneeq (Federation des enseignants et enseignantes du Quebec). VCTA Executive members are teachers who are released from teaching to serve on the Executive but according to our Bylaws, each Executive member must teach at least one course every year. In fact, each Executive member normally teaches one course per semester.

Drop by C101 to talk to members of the VCTA Executive.