According to the Collective Agreement, article 7-1.01, the College receives 195$ from the government for every full-time professor or the equivalent.

  • Currently Vanier has enjoyed a surplus, because not every teacher uses every year what is allotted.  This has allowed for granting a yearly maximum of $800; it has also allowed for rollovers of two years for a maximum of $1600.
  • As of 2015, we have noticed that the surplus is diminishing, which may necessitate changes to the above maximum in coming years.

PD Committee
The PD Committee is a parity committee with one vote coming from the Administration Representative and one vote coming from the VCTA Representative.  The Admin and the VCTA are allowed up to 3 members each to represent their side, but remain with only one vote per side.  This means that the Admin rep(s) and the VCTA rep(s) must both approve the PD Application Form for the application to be approved. If one side does not approve, then the application is denied.  Once it has been denied, a professor may not resubmit an application for the same event.

Application Form
The Application Form and the Expense Report may be picked up at the VCTA office, C 101.

  • Deadlines matter.  You must submit your Application Form before the event.
  • Teachers must include a document that shows the relevance of the content and describes the organization; you may be asked to further supply relevance to the activity to teaching, as per the Collective Agreement; if a teacher is applying for a repeated activity (ex: another workshop on stress management), it will also be important to explain the rationale for this in the application.

As per the policy, a professor may combine two years allowed maximum to use a total of $1600 for a single event.

  • The request must be made on the Application Form, indicating the two years to be combined (e.g. 2016-17 and 2017-18 — the years are the academic year as indicated in the PD Policy, running from July 1st to June 30th).
  • Therefore, if one wanted to apply our last academic year for a conference that is taking place during the current academic year, the application must have been made by June 1st of the last year.
  • Conversely, one may apply to use a rollover for an event in the current academic year by combining funds with those of the next academic year, which must be clearly indicated on the application form.

Expense Reports
Deadlines matter.  You must submit your Expense Report after the event.

  • Expense report must match the application — activity and amount requested
  • “Original receipts” refers to itemized receipts, not a credit card receipt or photocopies
  • Organize report as much as possible – by day and by meal (see expense form)
  • Teachers are responsible for making any conversions to Canadian dollars
  • Lodging at the home of a relative or friend, if pre-authorized by the appropriate manager, is reimbursed at $40 per night.

Please check the College policy for further details:

Expense Reports | By-Laws, Policies, Procedures

Expense Reports. Policy #: 7130-3. Purpose: To reimburse for travel expenses for professional meetings or conferences, external representation expenses incurred on ..

Other forms
Please be aware that the College will require you to fill out a Leave of  Absence Request for Professional Activities if your PD event is during our teaching availability.  You may only be allowed 4 days for professional development in a given year.

The College will additionally require you to fill out a Leave of Absence Report for all the days away from the College.  If you exceed the 4 days currently allowed per year, your other days may be taken as personal days out of your sick bank, or if none are remaining, you will lose pay for those days.

The College may require that you fill out a Travel Form if you are travelling outside of Quebec.