VCTA Expenses Rules

This is a summary of the rules for approving expenses in our union separated between our three decision-making bodies: Executive, GA and Association Council. Each rule also includes a reference to where it is taken from.


– Can approve any expense of $500.00 or less. Bylaws


– Approves all donations of over $300.00 to a single organization and any expense of more than $3,500.00. Bylaws

– Approves any donations above 1000$ require advance notice on the GA agenda. GA Motion, May, 2015

– Approves donations over 1000$ can only be made to unions in conflict or for humanitarian aid. GA Motion, May 15, 2015.

– Approves yearly budget (with all projected revenues and expenses) approved in May for the following year. Bylaws


– Can make decisions on all VCTA matters, including the right to make donations of up to $300.00 to a single organization, and approve any expense of more than $500.00 but no more than $3,500.00. Bylaws