May 11th to 13th Strike FAQ

When will we be on strike?
The announced strike will begin on Tuesday, 11 May, at noon. It will run until Thursday, 13 May, at noon.
The strike period covers 48 hours, so 2 days of strike.

May 11th is a Friday schedule, and the morning schedule will take place as usual. Starting at noon, all activities performed by teachers (see below) will end. The other two days are non-teaching days.

If you have an exam or an activity on campus in the morning of the 11th, we suggest that you sign up to picket on the 11th p.m. shift.

Why are we striking?
The target of a labour conflict is always the employer. In our case, the employer is the government. So our pressure tactics affect the general population, and in our case, specifically, students and parents. We are also affected by the strike, by the way. Striking is not an ideal action to take, it disturbs, and it is never decided upon lightly. But in the current negotiation context, it is the only option we have to make things progress.

Who is on strike?
Every teacher in continuing education and the regular day who has a working contract on the dates of the strike.

Which activities are affected by the strike?
All teaching activities, including synchronous, asynchronous, presential, and hybrid classes.

All supervision activities, including exam invigilation, stage supervision, student support, and any communication with students and College employees.

All coordination activities, including the creation of reports and forms, signing of documents, communication with colleagues, any workload distribution activities, and any other related tasks.

Any activity that happens on Teams, Omnivox, Tache, or college Zoom and email. Any task related to DSO projects, committees and other released or voluntary responsibilities.

All activities described in article 8-4.01 of the Collective Agreement.

I voted against the strike, do I need to strike?

Will classes, exams, and other activities be rescheduled?
The College is responsible for the academic calendar. Changes will be presented at Academic Council on Thursday, May 6th. The VCTA Executive has been mandated by the General Assembly to negotiate an agreement with the administration to allow teachers to choose how they will meet their course objectives as a result of classes cancelled due to strike action.

Will stages and externship happen?
No. All supervision activities are affected by the strike. If students can perform their stage activities without the direct supervision of a teacher, they can do so. But if a teacher must be present, these activities will be cancelled.

Can I answer student questions during the strike, or give them any work?
No. All teaching activities are lifted during the strike period. Any activities for which teachers receive a salary should not be completed during the strike.

Moreover, any student work or assignment currently scheduled to be due within the period of strike must be delayed until the end of the strike.

I do not teach, nor have any scheduled activity on these days, am I on strike?

What sanitary measures will be in place during the picketing?
If you currently have COVID-19, please do not come to the picket line.
Physical distancing will be respected. People must wear masks at all times on the picket line.

Who is eligible for strike pay?
In order to receive strike pay, every member must sign up and picket for a 3 hours shift on each day of the strike. The current strike has a duration of 2 days, so you can picket for two shifts of 3 hours.

3 hours = $100

We understand that, in the current context, some teachers may choose not to, or may not be able to, participate in the picketing. Their contribution to the strike, as well as not doing any work for the College, will be forgoing the strike pay.