News Bulletin #9-2019/2020, May 11, 2020

Dear colleagues,

This is a short News Bulletin providing information that we wanted to share with you right away.

Remember to join us for the special VCTA meeting this Wednesday, May 13 at 2pm. We will send the link to the meeting in a separate message.

Stay safe.

Nego news

The status of our negotiations is evolving both at the central table and eventually at the sectoral table. Please read the attached Info-Négo (in French and English) for some indications.  

We will be providing more information in the very near future.

Teachers feedback on semester

You will have noticed that the College is asking teachers to complete a survey based on their experiences this semester so as to prepare for the fall. Some teachers have expressed to the VCTA Executive some reservations they have with regard to anonymity in completing this survey.

The VCTA Executive has decided to compile its own feedback from teachers that it can then collate and send to the administration. Please feel free to send any feedback to us that you would like the College to take into account.

Shame on you!

It has been brought to our attention that some teachers have been the victims of shaming by colleagues who take issue with their methods of distance learning. If you are engaging in this kind of behaviour, please stop immediately. Please respect the professional autonomy of your colleagues and remember that we do not all have the same expertise or comfort level with regard to certain types of technology or certain pedagogical approaches.

Équiterre on resiliance

Here is a link to a great edition of the Équiterre bulletin on resilience for these difficult times:

It includes five tips to build mental resilience in times of crisis:

1. Connect with nature

2. Do regular digital detoxing – turn everything off.

3. Take a mindful walk.

4. Stop, pause, and breathe consciously.

5. Add mindfulness meditations to your daily routine.

Teachers Volunteering to work in the health sector

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedication of our teachers in health-related disciplines who have chosen to volunteer to be re-affected to tasks in the health sector.

As these teachers were required to give certain information to the College that was subsequently transmitted to the Ministry of Health, FNEEQ requested that precautions be taken with regard to the transmission of this information and that verifications be made to ensure that such precautions were taken.