General Assembly Agenda

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 2:00 pm
Boardroom (F216)

Happy Hour at 4:30 pm in Jake’s Mall

  1.  Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes –April 25, 2018
  3. Business Arising
    1. Science Program Revision
    2. Joint Coordinators Agenda
  4. Reports & Announcements
    1. Cont Ed charge
    2. Estates General on Higher Education
    3. Colour palette
  5. New Business
    1. Audit 2016-2017 *
    2. Budget 2018-2019 **
  6. Varia
  7. Adjournment


Association Council recommendations:
*5. a) 2016-17 Audit:That Association Council recommend that the General Assembly adopt the Audit report for 2016-2017.

 **5. b) 2018-19 Budget:That Association Council recommend that the General Assembly adopt the proposed budget for 2018-2019.

  1.  Whereas the General Assembly from May 16th 2017 proposed that the surplus from 2015-16 be used to cover the anticipated deficit for 2017-18;
  2. Whereas there was a smaller deficit than anticipated in 2016-17 (see Audit);
  3. Whereas we have not yet paid for the Executive Releases for 2016-17 or 2017-18;

That Association Council recommend that the General Assembly mandate the executive to leave these funds in the general account until these expenses are paid and that a proposal for the use of any surplus be brought to a later GA.